10th Foundation
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The denominator of a fraction is one more than twice the numerator. If the sum of the fraction and its reciprocal is 21621, find the fraction.

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Important Questions on Quadratic Equations

10th Foundation
The roots of the equation x2/3+x1/3-2=0 are ______.
10th Foundation
In the Maths Olympiad of 2020 at Animal Planet, two representatives from the donkey’s side, while solving a quadratic equation, committed the following mistakes.
(i) One of them made a mistake in the constant term and got the
roots as 5 and 9.
(ii) Another one committed an error in the coefficient of x and he
got the roots as 12 and 4.
But in the meantime, they realised that they are wrong and they managed to get it right jointly. Find the quadratic equation.