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The electric bulb filament is made of .

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Important Questions on Thermal and Chemical Effects of Electric Current

When a current is switched ‘on’ in a room heater, it _____.
(Choose one of the following: produces heat/ produces wind).
The _____ effect of electric current is used in the working of an electric fuse.
A fuse wire of circuit cross-section and having a diameter of 0.4 mm, allows 3 A of current to pass through it. But if another fuse wire of same material and circular cross-section and having a diameter of 0.6 mm is taken, then the amount of current passed through the fuse is:
If R1 and R2 are the resistances of the filaments of 200 W and 100 W electric bulbs operated at 220 V, then R1R2 is
The _____ effect of electric current is used in the working of an electric fuse.
A fuse wire is connected in _____ (series/parallel) with a group of appliances and/or a single appliance.
A house, served by a 220 V supply line is protected by a 9 A fuse. The maximum number of 60 W bulbs in parallel that can be turned on is:
40 W Tube light is in parallel with a room heater both connected to a stable main A.C. supply line. If the light is switched off, the heater output.
All the bulbs in the given figure are identical. Which bulb lights up most brightly?