JEE Main/Advance
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The end correction (e) is (l1= length of air column at first resonance and l2 is length of air column at second resonance)

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Important Questions on Experimental Physics

JEE Main/Advance

The end correction of a resonance tube is 1 cm. If shortest resonating length is 15 cm, the next resonating length will be

JEE Main/Advance
Two unknown frequency tuning forks are used in resonance column apparatus. When only first tuning fork is excited the 1st and 2nd resonating lengths noted are 10 cm and 30 cm respectively. When only second tuning fork is excited the 1st and 2nd resonating lengths noted are 30 cm and 90 cm respectively. What is the ratio of the frequency of the 1st to 2nd tuning fork?
JEE Main/Advance

In an experiment to determine the specific heat of aluminium, piece of aluminium weighing 500 g is heated to 100°C. It is then quickly transferred into a copper calorimeter of mass 500 g containing 300 g of water at 30°C. The final temperature of the mixture is found to be 46.8 °C. If specific heat of copper is 0.093  cal g-°C, then the specific heat of aluminium is

JEE Main/Advance

The resistance in the left and right gaps of a balanced meter bridge are R1 and R2. The balanced point is 50 cm. If a resistance of 24 Ω is connected in parallel to R2, the balance point is 70 cm. The value of R1 is

JEE Main/Advance

In a meter bridge experiment, null point is obtained at 20 cm from one end of the wire when resistance X is balanced against another resistance Y. If X<Y, then the new position of the null point from the same end, if one decides to balance a resistance of 4X against Y will be at 

JEE Main/Advance

The distance moved by the screw of a screw gauge is 2 mm in four rotations and there are 50 divisions on its cap. When nothing is put between its jaws, 20th division of circular scale coincides with reference line, and zero of linear scale is hidden from circular scale when two jaws touch each other or zero of circular scale is lying above the reference line. When plate is placed between the jaws, main scale reads 2 divisions and circular scale reads 20 divisions. Thickness of plate is

JEE Main/Advance
In the experiment for the determination of the speed of sound in air using the resonance column method, the length of the air column that resonates in the fundamental mode with a tuning fork is 0.1 m. When this length is changed to 0.35 m, the same tuning fork resonates with the first overtone. Calculate the end correction.
JEE Main/Advance

A student is performing the experiment of resonance column. The diameter of the column tube is 4 cm. The frequency of the tuning fork is 512 Hz. The air temperature is 38°C in which the speed of sound is 336 m s-1. The zero of the meter scale coincides with the top end of the resonance column tube. When the first resonance occurs, the reading of the water level in the column is