The endodermis is impervious to water.

Important Questions on Transport in Plants

Assertion (A): In the apoplast pathway, water movement is ultimately symplastic in the endodermis
Reason (R): Root endodermal cells are suberized

List I |
List II |
A. Cohesion | I. More attraction in liquid phase |
B. Adhesion | II. Mutual attraction among water molecules |
C. Surface tension | III. Water loss in liquid phase |
D. Guttation | IV. Attraction towards polar surfaces |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

Match List - I with List - II.
List-I | List-II | ||
(a) | Cohesion | (i) | More attraction in liquid phase |
(b) | Adhesion | (ii) | Mutual attraction among water molecules |
(c) | Surface tension | (iii) | Water loss in liquid phase |
(d) | Guttation | (iv) | Attraction towards polar surfaces |

Identify the correct match of the type of water given in column-I and its character in column-II and select the correct option.
Column-I | Column-II | ||
(i) | Capillary water | (a) | present in the form of hydrated oxides of silicon and aluminium. |
(ii) | Hygroscopic water | (b) | goes down through large pores between soil particles and reaches the water table. |
(iii) | Combined water | (c) | held in between small non-colloidal soil particles. |
(iv) | Gravitational water | (d) | held tightly around soil particles by adhesive forces. |

Given below are sets of five terms each. Rewrite the terms in correct order in a logical sequence beginning with the first word that is underlined:
Root hair, Endodermis, Epidermis, Xylem, Cortex.

In which of the following, passive absorption of water is not seen in?

The primary function of Casparian strips is to:
A. Force water and minerals through the membranes of endodermal cells.
B. Prevent entry of water into stele directly through the apoplast.
C. Provide regulation for water and minerals movement in the plant.

Apoplast pathway | Symplast pathway | |
(i) | It consists of non-living parts of plant body, cell walls and intercellular spaces | It consists of living parts of plant body, , protoplasts connected by plasmodesmata |
(ii) | There is little resistance in the movement of water | Some resistance occurs in the movement of water through symplast |
(iii) | It is slightly slower | It is faster |
(iv) | Metabolic state of root directly affects apoplast pathway | Metabolic state of root does not affect symplast pathway |
Which of the given differences is/are incorrect?

Identify the correct pair of statements from the following:
(I) The attraction between two water molecules in xylem vessels is called 'adhesion'.
(II) The number of molecules of absorbed is more than the number of , molecules released when one molecule of triolein is completely oxidized in respiration.
(III) Bacillus mycoides is a nitrifying bacterium.
(IV) Continuous system of cell walls and intercellular spaces in plant tissue is called 'apoplast'.
The correct answer is: