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The figure of merit of a galvanometer is defined as
(a)The voltage required to produce unit deflection in the galvanometer
(b)The current required to produce unit deflection in the galvanometer
(c)the power required to produce unit deflection in the galvanometer
(d)None of these

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Important Questions on Magnetic Effect of Current
In a circuit for finding the resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method, a battery and a high resistance of are used. The figure of merit of the galvanometer is . In the absence of shunt resistance, the galvanometer produces a deflection of divisions when current flows in the circuit. The value of the shunt resistance that can cause the deflection of , is closest to:

The number of turns in a coil of Galvanometer is tripled, then

A circuit contains an ammeter, a battery of 30 v and a resistance 40.8 ohm all connected in series. If the ammeter has coil of resistance 480 ohm and a shunt of 20 ohm, the reading in the ammeter will be:

Sensitivity of moving coil galvanometer is . If a shunt of of the resistance of galvanometer is connected to moving coil galvanometer, its sensitivity becomes

For full scale deflection of total divisions, voltage is required in galvanometer. The resistance of galvanometer if its current sensitivity is will be:

When a current of is passed through a galvanometer having a coil of resistance , it shows full-scale deflection. The value of the resistance to be put in series with the galvanometer to convert it into a voltmeter of range is:

A moving coil galvanometer has 50 turns and each turn has an area . The magnetic field produced by the magnet inside the galvanometer is . The torsional constant of the suspension wire is . When a current flows through the galvanometer, a full scale deflection occurs if the coil rotates by . The resistance of the coil of the galvanometer is . This galvanometer is to be converted into an ammeter capable of measuring current in the range . For this purpose, a shunt resistance is to be added in parallel to the galvanometer. The value of this shunt resistance, in ohms, is . Write the value of , where is the greatest integer function.

A resistance is connected to a battery of . A galvanometer of resistance is to be used as an ammeter to measure current through the resistance, for this a resistance is connected to the galvanometer. Which of the following connections should be employed if the measured current is with in of the current without the ammeter in the circuit?

Consider two identical galvanometers and two identical resistors with resistance . If the internal resistance of the galvanometers which of the following statement(s) about any one of the galvanometers is(are) true ?

The galvanometer deflection, when key is closed but is open, equals (see figure). On closing also and adjusting to the deflection in galvanometer becomes The resistance of the galvanometer is, then, given by [Neglect the internal resistance of battery]:

A galvanometer having a coil resistance of gives a full scale deflection, when a current of is passed through it. The value of the resistance, which can convert this galvanometer into ammeter giving a full scale deflection for a current of , is:

Write the definition of figure of merit of Galvanometer.

To know the resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method, a battery of emf and resistance is used to deflect the galvanometer by angle . If a shunt of resistance is needed to get half deflection the , and are related by the equation:

A galvanometer with its coil resistance requires a current of for its full deflection. In order to construct an ammeter to read up to a current of the approximate value of the shunt resistance should be:

A galvanometer has a 50 division scale. Battery has no internal resistance. It is found that there is deflection of 40 divisions when Deflection becomes 20 divisions when resistance taken from resistance box is 4900 Ω. Then we can conclude :
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A moving coil galvanometer, having a resistance produces full scale deflection when a current flows through it. This galvanometer can be converted into (i) an ammeter of range 0 to by connecting a shunt resistance to it and (ii) into a voltmeter of range 0 to by connecting a series resistance to it. Then,

Two identical moving coil galvanometer have resistance and full scale deflection at current. One of them is converted into a voltmeter of full scale reading and the other into an Ammeter of full scale current using appropriate resistors. These are then used to measure the voltage and current in the Ohm's law experiment with resistor by using an ideal cell. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

A galvanometer, whose resistance is , has divisions in it. When a current of A passes through it, its needle (pointer) deflects by one division. To use this galvanometer as a voltmeter of range it should be connected to a resistance of:

In a moving coil galvanometer, when the number of turns of the coil is doubled,

The sensitivity of tangent galvanometer is increased, if