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The head of the bacteriophage has a protein coat called capsid which encloses a highly folded double-stranded DNA.

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Important Questions on Classification of Living Organisms

What is the order of events that occur in a bacteriophage lytic cycle?

Identify the parts labelled 1,2,3,4 in the given figure

Question Image

The proteinaceous infectious particle which can cause some serious animal diseases are called:
Which one of the following statements is true about viruses?
Which of the following statements is wrong for viroids?
Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease CJD is a transmissible disease caused by a
The capsid of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) has capsomere numbering ___.
Causal organism of the disease cucumber pale fruit is ______.
A location with luxuriant growth of lichens on the trees indicates that the:

Match the following lists:

  List I   List II
A) No sex organs, dikaryotic exogenous spores I) Gonyaulax
B) Infectious agents without nucleic acids II)  Trichodesmium
C) Differentiated cytoplasm bloom in polluted water bodies III) Slime moulds
D) Fruiting bodies bearing spores survive many years IV) Basidiomycetes
    V) Prions

The correct match is

Which of the following are the most suitable indicators of SO2 pollution in the environment?
Leaf extract from an infected plant was passed through a filter with a pore size of 0.05μm diameter. The infectious agent was detected in the filtrate. Which ONE of the following is the likely infectious agent?

Which of the following statements related to viruses are incorrect?

I. Antibiotics can kill viruses

II. Viruses are inactive outside the cell

III. Genes involved in viral metabolism are located in the viral genome

IV. Phages can multiply by two alternative mechanism, the lytic and the lysogenic cycle

The incorrect combination is: