The number of shapes with curved lines in the chart is
The number of shapes with curved lines in the chart is .
Important Questions on Playing with Lines : Orientations of a line
Land is acquired for road widening from a square ground, as shown in the figure. The width of the acquired land is . Area of the remaining ground is . What is the shape of the remaining ground?
Identify the type of line given in the below figure.
Join the two points and with a curved line.
Draw a curved line between the given points A to B.
Write the number of straight lines and curved lines in the below picture.
Figure | Straight lines | Curved lines |
Observe the picture and count the number of curved lines.
How many curved lines are there in the given figure
Draw curved lines with your pencil to help baby animal to reach its mother.
Draw a curved line between the given points E to F.
Draw a curved line between the given points C to D.
Write the number of straight lines and curved lines in the below picture.
Figure | Straight lines | Curved lines |
Put a tick for the correct types of lines.
Lines | Straight Line | Curved Line |
How many curved lines can you draw through points P and Q?
Write the quadrants in which the following points lie:
How many curved lines are there in the given figure?
Tick the curved lines.