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The outer wall of the cochlear duct is formed by Stria Vascularis.

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Important Questions on Neural Control and Coordination

A gymnast is able to balance his body upside down even in the total darkness because of:
When one goes from a brightly lit area to a dimly lit room our eyes adjusts slowly, thereby regaining the clarity of vision. Which ONE of the following explains this process?
How do Rods and Cones of human Dye differ from each other chemically and functionally ?
In the mammalian eye, the 'fovea' is the the center of the visual field, where:

Match the following columns and select the correct option.

  Column-I   Column-II
(a) Organ of Corti (i) Connects middle ear and pharynx
(b) Cochlea (ii) Coiled part of the labyrinth
(c) Eustachian tube (iii) Attached to the oval window
(d) Stapes (iv) Located on the basilar membrane
The eighth cranial nerve (auditory) of vertebrates leads from brain to
What is the right sequence of bones in the ear ossicles of a mammal starting from the tympanum inwards?
Arrange the following structures to make the correct pathway for passing sound waves which finally converts into neural impulses in the organ of Corti?
(A) Ear pinna and external auditory meatus
(B) Reissner's and tectorial membrane
(C) Tympanum and ear ossicles
(D) Oval window
(E) Perilymph of scala vestibuli