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The plasmid:

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Important Questions on Principles and Processes of Biotechnology


Plasmids have the following characters.

i) They contain fewer genes than the bacterial chromosome.

ii) They have single stranded DNA

iii) They can be used as vectors

iv) They contain linear form of DNA

v) Plasmids confer protection to drugs

The correct combination is

Inclusion bodies of blue-green, purple and green photosynthetic bacteria are:

A special membranous structure, mainly associated with respiration, secretion process and replication is:

Which one of the following is not an inclusion body found in prokaryotes?
Which of the following statements about inclusion bodies in incorrect?
Which of the following components provides sticky character to the bacterial cell?
The structures that help some bacteria to attach to rocks and/or host tissue are:

Plasmid is a:

*None of the options were scientifically correct. Modified.*


Choose the correct statements
i. Ribosomes are found in Cytoplasm, Chloroplasts, Mitochondria and on rough ER
ii. Mesosomes in bacteria are not the sites of DNA replication
iii. Algae cell wall made of cellulose, galactans, mannan and calcium carbonate
iv. Mitochondria, chloroplast and peroxisomes are the part of Endomembrane System

The correct answer is

Which of the following statements with respect to the endoplasmic reticulum is incorrect?
Match the following lists.
  List-I   List-II   List-III
A Circular DNA i Sprouting out of cell I Attach the bacteria to the host tissue
B Fimbriae ii Outermost layer of the cell wall II Solanaceae
C Middle lamella iii Makoi III Plasmid DNA
D Mesocarp and endocarp fused iv No nuclear membrane IV Develops from the cell plate

The correct match is:

If the flagellum is provided with two or more rows of lateral appendages and the axoneme ends in a terminal naked filament, then it belongs to this type
Which structures perform the function of mitochondria in bacteria?
Which of the following structure is not found in a prokaryotic cell?