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The point equidistant from the vertices of triangle is called

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Important Questions on Circles

Construct the circumcircle of a ABC in which BC=6 cm, B=70° and AB=5 cm. Write steps of construction also.
What is the area of a sector of a circle of radius 14 cm and central angle 45°? (Take π=227)

In the figure, ABCD is a unit square. A circle is drawn with centre O on the extended line CD and passing through A. If the diagonal AC is tangent to the circle, then the area of the shaded region is

A circle passes through the vertices of a triangle ABC. If the vertices are A(-2,5),B(-2,-3), and C2,-3 then the centre of the circle is
The points A, B, C, D, E  are marked on the circumference of a circle in clockwise direction such that ABC=130o and CDE=110o. The measure of ACE in degree is
Construct a circumcircle of ABC, where AB=6 cmA=45° and B=60°.Write the steps of construction.
Let AB be a line segment of length 2. Construct a semicircle S with AB as diameter. Let C be the midpoint of the arc AB. Construct another semicircle T external to the triangle ABC with chord AC as diameter. The area of the region inside the semicircle T but outside S is

Construct a circumcircle of ABC, where AB=8 cm, BC=5 cm and ABC = 60° degree. Write the steps of construction.

Let a and b be two positive real numbers such that a+2b 1 . Let A1 and A2 be the areas of circles with radii ab3 and b2 respectively. Then the maximum possible value of A1A2 is

Let A1, A2 and A3 be the regions on R2 defined by




Denote by A1, A2 and A3 the areas of the regions A1, A2 and A3 respectively. Then

Let ABCD be a quadrilateral such that there exists a point E inside the quadrilateral satisfying AE=BE=CE=DE. Suppose DAB, ABC, BCD is an arithmetic progression. Then the median of the set DAB,ABC,BCD is :-

Let AB be a sector of a circle with centre O and radius d.AOB=θ<π2 and D be a point on OA such that BD is perpendicular OA. Let E be the mid-point of BD and F be a point on the arc AB such that EF is parallel to OA. Then, the ratio of length of the arc AF to the length of the arc AB is


A semi - circle of diameter 1 unit sits at the top of a semi-circle of diameter 2 units. The shaded region inside the smaller semi-circle but outside the larger semi-circle is called a lune . The area of the lune is -

AB and CD chords of a circle which intersect each other externally at P. If AB=4 cm, BP=5 cm and PD=3 cm, then find CD.
 The centroid is the point of concurrency of the _____of a triangle.

The medians of a triangle are _____.

If the centroid of the triangle formed by the points (3,-5), (-7,4), (10,-k) is at the point (k,-1), then k=
If (-2,1) is the centroid of the triangle having its vertices at (x,2), (10,-2), (-8,y), then x, y satisfy the relation
The centroid of a triangle divides each medians in the ratio _____.

The median of a triangle is the line segment joining any of its vertices to the _____ of the opposite side.