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The protoplasm shrinks, when a cell is kept in a hypotonic solution

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Important Questions on Transport in Plants

The water potential ψp of pure water at standard temperature and atmospheric pressure is:
The water potential of pure water is

Assertion (A): The flow of solvent molecules from a pure solvent to the solution through semipermeable membrane is osmosis.

Reason (R): Pure solvent molecules flow out of the solution through semipermeable membrane if a pressure larger than the osmotic pressure is applied to the solution side.

The correct answer is:

Define and explain water potential

 Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is indicated in the brackets.

Hypotonic solution and Hypertonic solution [condition of a plant cell when placed in them].


The containers X and Y have 1 litre of pure water and 1 litre of 0.1 M sugar solution, respectively. Which one of the following statements would be correct regarding their water potential Ψ and osmotic potential Ψs?

*Note: There were errors in original KVPY papers, and thus the options are modified here.

The salting of pickles is an example for
Which of the following physico-chemical techniques is commonly used to desalinate brackish water?

Give biological explanations for the following:

Plants growing in fertilized soil are often found to wilt if the soil is not adequately watered


Correct the following statements by changing the underlined words:

Xylem transports starch from the leaves to all parts of the plant body.

Define water potential. What is the value of water potential of pure water.

Assertion (A): Pea seeds swell more on imbibition than wheat seeds.

Reason (R): Proteins have a high imbibing capacity.


Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is mentioned in the brackets:

Osmosis and Active Transport (Substances undergoing movement)


Correct the following statements by changing the underlined words:

The cell sap of root hair is Hypotonic.

Which of the following elements is responsible for maintaining turgor in cells?
A leaf peeling of Tradescantia is kept in a medium having 10% NaCl. After a few minutes, if we observe the leaf peel under the microscope, we are likely to see
_____ of a solution is a measure of its tendency to take in water by osmosis.
An innovative professor who wanted to give a live demonstration of a physiological process, filled a glass bottle with previously moistened mustard seeds and water. He screwcapped the bottle and kept it away in a corner and resumed his lecture. Towards the end of his lecture there was a sudden explosion with glass pieces of bottle thrown around. Which of the following phenomena did the professor want to demonstrate?
The fresh grape wrinkles, if kept in saltwater because of _____ (Exosmosis/Endosmosis).