The protoplasm shrinks, when a cell is kept in a hypotonic solution
Important Questions on Transport in Plants
Assertion (): The flow of solvent molecules from a pure solvent to the solution through semipermeable membrane is osmosis.
Reason Pure solvent molecules flow out of the solution through semipermeable membrane if a pressure larger than the osmotic pressure is applied to the solution side.
The correct answer is:
Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is indicated in the brackets.
Hypotonic solution and Hypertonic solution [condition of a plant cell when placed in them].
The containers and have litre of pure water and litre of sugar solution, respectively. Which one of the following statements would be correct regarding their water potential and osmotic potential
*Note: There were errors in original KVPY papers, and thus the options are modified here.
Give biological explanations for the following:
Plants growing in fertilized soil are often found to wilt if the soil is not adequately watered
Correct the following statements by changing the underlined words:
Xylem transports starch from the leaves to all parts of the plant body.
Assertion (): Pea seeds swell more on imbibition than wheat seeds.
Reason (): Proteins have a high imbibing capacity.
Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is mentioned in the brackets:
Osmosis and Active Transport (Substances undergoing movement)
Correct the following statements by changing the underlined words:
The cell sap of root hair is Hypotonic.