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The resonance frequency of LC circuit is

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Important Questions on Electromagnetic Induction

An oscillating LC circuit consists of a 75 mH inductor and a 1.2 µF capacitor. If the maximum charge to the capacitor is 2.7 µC. The maximum current in the circuit will be _______ mA.
In an oscillating LC circuit, L=3.00 mH and C=2.70 μF. At t=0 the charge on the capacitor is zero and the current is 2.00 A. The maximum charge that will appear on the capacitor will be
A capacitor of capacitance 500 μF is charged completely using a DC supply of 100 V. It is now connected to an inductor of inductance 50 mH to form an LC circuit. The maximum current in LC circuit will be _____ A.
At time t=0, terminal A in the circuit shown in the figure is connected to B by a key and an alternating current It=I0cosωt , with I0=1 A and ω=500 rad s-1 starts flowing in it with the initial direction shown in the figure. At t=7π6ω, the key is switched from B to D. Now onwards only A and D are connected. A total charge Q flows from the battery to charge the capacitor fully. If C=20 μF, R=10 Ω and the battery is ideal with of 50 V, identify the correct statement(s).
A fully charged capacitor C with initial charge q0 is connected to a coil of self-inductance L at t=0. The time at which the energy is stored equally between the electric and the magnetic fields is:
In the figure below, the switches S1 and S2 are closed simultaneously at t = 0 and a current starts to flow in the circuit. Both the batteries have the same magnitude of the electromotive force (emf) and the polarities are as indicated in the figure. Ignore mutual inductance between the inductors. The current I in the middle wire reaches its maximum magnitude Imax time t =τ. Which of the following statements is (are) true?

LC oscillations are similar and analogous to the mechanical oscillations of a block attached to a spring. The electrical equivalent of the force constant of the spring is
In the circuit shown, initially there is no charge on capacitors and keys S1 and S2 are open. The values of the capacitors are C1=10μF,C2=30μF and C3=C4=80μF.

Which of the statement(s) is/are correct?
An LCR circuit is equivalent to a damped pendulum. In an LCR circuit the capacitor is charged to Q0 and then connected to the L and R as shown below:

If a student plots graphs of the square of maximum charge QMax2 on the capacitor with time (t) for two different values L1 and L2(L1>L2) of L then which of the following represents this graph correctly? (plots are schematic and not drawn to scale)

At a certain moment, the switch shown in the figure is disconnected. The energy of the oscillations immediately after the switch S is disconnected and at time 0.1 sec from the time switch is disconnected are, respectively

In the circuit shown, L = 1 μH, C=1 μF and R=1 kΩ.  They are connected in series with an a.c. source V=V0 sinωt as shown. Which of the following options is/are correct?
A LCR circuit behaves like a clamped harmonic oscillator. Comparing it with a physical spring-mass damped oscillator having damping constant 'b', the correct equivalence would be:
A source of constant voltage V is connected to a resistance R and two ideal inductors L1 and L2 through a switch S as shown. There is no mutual inductance between the two inductors. The switch S is initially open. At t=0 , the switch is closed and current begins to flow. Which of the following options is/are correct?


In the circuit shown below, the key is pressed at time t=0. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true?

The instantaneous voltages at three terminals marked X, Y and Z are given by


VY=V0sinωt+2π3  and


An ideal voltmeter is configured to read rms value of the potential difference between its terminals. It is connected between points X and Y and then between Y and Z . The reading(s) of the voltmeter will be

In a circuit shown in the figure, the capacitor C is initially uncharged and the key K is open. In this condition, a current of 1 A flows through the 1 Ω resistor. The key is closed at time t=t0. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?

[Given : e1=0.36]

A 400 Ω resistor, a 250 mH inductor and a 2.5 μF capacitor are connected in series with an AC source of peak voltage 5 V and angular frequency 2 kHz. What is the peak value of the electrostatic energy of the capacitor?
In an LC circuit connected to an ac supply, the resonant frequency is 200MHz when a dielectric of thickness 8 mm and dielectric constant 6 is fully inserted between the plates of the capacitor. The resonant frequency becomes 198 MHz when a stress of  995 bar is applied between the plates of the capacitor. The Young's modulus of the dielectric material in Nm-2 is nearly
In LC circuit the inductance L=40 mH and capacitance C=100 μF. If a voltage Vt=10sin314t is applied to the circuit, the current in the circuit is given as:
An oscillator circuit contains an inductor 0.05 H and a capacitor of capacity 80 μF. When the maximum voltage across the capacitor is 200 V, the maximum current (in amperes) in the circuit is