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The schematic symbol of light emitting diode is (LED)

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Important Questions on Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits

The given graph represents V - I characteristic for a semiconductor device.
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Which of the following statement is correct?
The figure represents a voltage regulator circuit using a Zener diode. The breakdown voltage of the Zener diode is 6 V and the load resistance is, RL=4 kΩ . The series resistance of the circuit is  Ri=1 kΩ . If the battery voltage VB varies from 8 V  to  16 V , what are the minimum and maximum values of the current through Zener diode?
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Take the breakdown voltage of the zener diode used in the given circuit as 6 V. For the input voltage shown in the figure below, the time variation of the output voltage is: (Graphs drawn are schematic and not to the scale)

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The 6 V Zener diode shown in the figure has negligible resistance and a knee current of 5 mA. The minimum value of R in Ω so that the voltage across it does not fall below 6 V is
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Two Zener diodes (A and B) having breakdown voltages of 6 V and  4 V respectively, are connected as shown in the circuit below. The output voltage V0 variation with input voltage linearly increasing with time, is given by (Vinput = 0 V at t = 0)


The reverse break down voltage of a Zener diode is 5.6 V in the given circuit.
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The current Iz through the Zener is:

In case of a p-n junction diode at high value of reverse bias, the current rises sharply. The value of reverse bias is known as


The value of the resistor, RS, needed in the DC voltage regulator circuit shown here, equals:

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A Zener diode with a breakdown voltage of 4 V is connected in series with a resistance R to a battery of emf 10 V. The maximum power dissipation rating for the Zener diode is 1 W. The value of R to ensure maximum power dissipation across the diode is

Two p - n photodiodes are fabricated from semiconductors with band gap of 2.8eV and 2.6eV, respectively.

Choose the correct statement from the following.


In the circuit shown, what will be the current through the 6 V zener?

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With increasing biasing voltage of a photo diode, the photocurrent magnitude:

What will be the current flowing through the 6  resistor in the circuit shown, where the breakdown voltage of the Zener is 6 V?

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Zener diode is used to regulate the voltage supply because, while using a zener diode
Figure shows a DC voltage regulator circuit, with a Zener diode of breakdown voltage =6 V . If the unregulated input voltage varies between 10 V to 16 V, then what is the maximum Zener current?
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