Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Assistant
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The sentence below consists of a word or a phrase that is bold. It is followed by five words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the OPPOSITE in the meaning of the bold word or phrase.

Because of the economic drive, they very unwillingly surrendered some superfluous posts.

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Important Questions on Antonyms

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Assistant

The sentence below consists of a word or a phrase that is bold. It is followed by five words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the OPPOSITE in the meaning of the bold word or phrase.

I abhor the ideas he sometimes expresses.

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Assistant

Each sentence below consists of a word or a phrase that is bold. It is followed by five words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the OPPOSITE in the meaning of the bold word or phrase.

You can hardly find any trace of humility in the man.

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Assistant

The sentence below consists of a word or a phrase that is bold. It is followed by five words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the OPPOSITE in the meaning of the bold word or phrase.

The result of the tournament gave them a sense of elation.

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Assistant

The sentence below consists of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by five words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.

It was done in a haphazard manner.

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Assistant

This sentence below consists of a word or a phrase that is bold. It is followed by five words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the OPPOSITE in the meaning of the bold word or phrase.

The officer asked the clerk to expedite the matter.

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Assistant

Each sentence below consists of a word or a phrase that is bold. It is followed by five words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the OPPOSITE in the meaning of the bold word or phrase.

The atmosphere in the institute he had newly joined congenial to research.

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Assistant

Each sentence below consists of a word or a phrase that is bold. It is followed by five words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the OPPOSITE in the meaning of the bold word or phrase.

He is the most prudent person I have ever come across.

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Assistant

The sentence below consists of a word or a phrase that is bold. It is followed by five words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the OPPOSITE in the meaning of the bold word or phrase.

The members thought that the task was feasible.