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The stamens remain within the flower in exerted condition.

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Important Questions on Plant Morphology and Anatomy


Ovaries of four different plants A,B,C and D show variation in the position of ovules as stated below
A) On central axis without septa
B) On the inner wall of ovary
C) On the ridge along the ventral suture
D) At the base of the ovary

Identify the A,B,C and D plants respectively

Match Column - I with Column - II and select the correct option using the codes given below:
Column–I Column–II
a. Pistils fused together (i) Gametogenesis
b. Formation of gametes (ii) Pistillate
c. Hyphae of Ascomycetes Fungus  (iii) Syncarpous
d. Unisexual female flower (iv) Dikaryotic

Study the following lists. Match the floral parts given in List - I with the corresponding symbols, in List - II

   List - I     List - II
(a) Calyx (i)
(b) Ovary superior (ii) %
(c) Actinomorphic (iii) C
(d) Zygomorphic (iv) K
    (v) G

The correct answer is

Identify the respective formula of the gynoecium from which fruits like Berry, Pepo, Hesperidium and Pome are developed
Among the members of the list given below, how many plants have superior ovaries?

China rose, mustard, brinjal, potato, guava, cucumber, onion and tulip.

Match the following lists:

  List I   List II
A) Branches of limited growth modified for photosynthesis I) Cashew
B) The peduncle is branched with one branch each time II) Asparagus
C) Multicarpellary, syncarpous unilocular ovary, stony pericarp III) Hamelia
D) Placenta is axial and ovules are attached to multilocular ovary IV) Colocasia
    V) Lemon


The standard petal of the papilionaceous corolla is also called:
When a placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary and the ovules are borne on this ridge, the placentation is termed as
If the position of an ovary is below sepals, petals and androecium the flower is called:
When the anthers do not possess pollen grains at all, it is known as
Which of the following figures represents a typical placentation as seen in China rose ?
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