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The structure of KF (the radius ratio of KF is 0.98) is similar to:

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Important Questions on Solid State

What are the coordination numbers (C.N.) of Ca2+ and F- ion in calcium fluoride CaF2 crystal structure ?
What is the value of radius ratio of ionic crystal having coordination number six?
If the edge length of a body centred unit cell is 400pm, what will be the approximate radius of the atom present in it? (in pm)
The fraction of voids occupied in the inverse spinel compounds are
A unit cell of calcium fluoride has four calcium ions. The number of fluoride ions in the unit cell is
Consider an ionic solid MX, with NaCl structure. Construct a new structure Z, whose unit cell is constructed from the unit cell of MX, following the sequential instructions given below. Neglect the charge balance.

(i) Remove all the anions X, except the central one.

(ii) Replace all the face centered cations M, by anions X.

(iii) Remove all the corner cations M.

(iv) Replace the central anion X, with cation M.

The value of number of anionsnumber of cations in Z is _____.
What is the co-ordination number of Cl- in NaCl crystal ?
An ionic compound is formed between a metal M and non-metal Y. If M occupies half the octahedral voids in the cubic close - packed arrangement formed by Y, the chemical formula of the ionic compound is
The arrangement of X- ions around A+ ion in solid AX is given in the figure (not drawn to scale). If the radius of X- is 250 pm, the radius of A+ is 

Question Image
The radius of K+ is 133 pm and that of Cl- is 181 pm. The volume of the unit cell of KCl expressed in 10-22 cm3 is:
Ionic radii of cation A+ and anion B- are 102 and 181pm respectively. These ions are allowed to crystallize into an ionic solid. This crystal has cubic close packing for B-.A+ is present in all octahedral voids. The edge length of the unit cell of the crystal AB is___pm.
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Number of unit cells present in a cubic shaped ideal crystal of NaCl of mass 1.00 g is [Molecular mass =58.5]
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A compound is formed by cation C and anion A . The anions form hexagonal close packed (hcp) lattice and the cations occupy 75% of octahedral voids. The formula of the compound is:
The total number of octahedral void (s) per atom present in a cubic close packed structure is :
CsCl crystallises in body centred cubic lattice. If 'a' is its edge length then which of the following expressions is correct?
In calcium fluoride, having the fluorite structure, the coordination numbers for calcium ion Ca2+ and fluoride ion F- are
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