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The wall of the ovary forms

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Important Questions on Morphology of Flowering Plants

Match the following lists:
  List-I   List-II   List-III
(A) Leathery epicarp (i) Oblique growth (I) Cladophylls
(B) Apocarpous gynoceium (ii) Limited branch growth (II) Papery mesocarp
(C) Lateral branch of underground stem (iii) Superior ovary (III) Mesocarp of fruitlet is edible
(D) Asparagus (iv) Aggregate fruit (IV) Chrysanthemum
Which ONE of the following pairs gives rise to fruit and seed, respectively, in a typical angiosperm plant?
Choose the correct statements.
A. The tip of embryonic axis emerges out first during seed germination is called rachis.
B. In Artocarpus integrifolia, the fruit type is syconus, where the edible part is succulent perianth.
C. In Pyrus malus, the edible part is false fruit.
D. Pepo fruit is developed from tricarpellary, unilocular inferior ovary. 
Find the wrong statements among the following.
A) In cyathium bisexual, achlymadeous flowers are present.
B) If calyx and corrella are not distinct they are called perianth.
C) In nut, pericarp is stony.
D) The thin membranous structure in the axil of leaf is called bractiole.
In some plants thalamus contributes to fruit formation. Such fruits are termed as:
Choose the correct statements among the following.
A) A bud is present in the axil of leaflets of the compound leaf.
B) Casuarina has limited growth of branches as phylloclades.
C) Sub aerial stem of Oxalis spread to new niches when old parts die.
D) Pericarp and seed coat fuse together in caryopsis.
How can you differentiate true fruits from false fruits?

Identify the correct features of mango and coconut fruits.
(i) In both fruit is a drupe.
(ii) Endocarp is edible in both.
(iii) Mesocarp in coconut is fibrous, and in mango it is fleshy.
(iv) In both, fruit develops from monocarpellary ovary.

Select the correct option from below:


Match the types of fruits presented in List-I with the name of the plants given in the List-II.

  List-I   List-II
(A) Schizocarpic fiuit (I) Mustard
(B) False fruit (II) Acacia
(C) Parthenocarpic fruit (III) Strawberry
(D) Dry fruit (IV) Banana
    (V) Cotton

The correct match is:


Identify the parts labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 in the figure caryopsis of Oryza?

Question Image

Match the following lists.
  List-I   List-II   List-III
(A) Parthenocarpic fruit (i) Dichasial and monochasial cyme (I) Avicennia
(B) Verticellaster (ii) Roots grow vertically upwards (II) Agave
(C) Swampy areas (iii) Dioscorea (III) Banana
(D) Storage of food (iv) Sucker (IV) Lamiaceae
The correct match is:
In orange and lemon, the edible part of the fruit is

Match the following

  List-I   List-II   List-III
(A) Mango (i) Dolichos lablab    (I) Hesperidium
(B) Orange (ii) Annona squamosa (II) Aggregate fruit
(C) Bean (iii) Citrus sinensis (III) Drupe
(D) Custard apple (iv) Mangifera indica (IV) Legume

The correct answer is