JEE Main/Advance
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Two long wires carrying current in the same direction attract each other but two parallel beams of electrons moving in the same direction repel each other. Explain

Important Questions on Magnetic Effect of Current

JEE Main/Advance
The magnetic field existing in a region is given by B=B01-xlk^, where B0 and l are constants, x is the x-coordinate of a point and k^ is the unit vector along z-axis. A square loop of edge l and carrying a current i, is placed with its edges parallel to the x, y axis. Find the magnitude of the net magnetic force experienced by the loop.
JEE Main/Advance

Figure shows a part of an electric circuit. The wires AB, CD and EF are very long and have identical resistances. The separation between the neighboring wires is 2 cm. The wires AE and BF have negligible resistance and the ammeter reads 60 A. Calculate the magnetic force per unit length on AB and CD.

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JEE Main/Advance
Two long straight parallel conductors are separated by a distance of r1=5 cm and carry constant currents I1=10 A & I2=20 A. What work per unit length of a conductor must be done to increase the separation between the conductors to r2=10 cm if, currents flow in the same direction?
JEE Main/Advance

A straight wire of length l can slide on two parallel plastic rails kept in a horizontal plane with a separation d. The coefficient of friction between the wire and the rails is μ. If the wire carries a current i, what minimum magnetic field should exist in the space in order to slide the wire on the rails.


JEE Main/Advance
A circular coil of 100 turns and having an effective radius of 0.05 m carries a current of 0.1 A. How much work is required to turn it in an external magnetic field of 1.5 Wb m-2 through 180° about an axis perpendicular to the magnetic field. The plane of the coil is initially perpendicular to the magnetic field
JEE Main/Advance

a A circular loop of radius a, carrying a current i, is placed in a two-dimensional magnetic field. The centre of the loop coincides with the centre of the field (figure). The strength of the magnetic field at the periphery of the loop is B. Find the magnetic force on the wire.

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b A hypothetical magnetic field existing in a region is given by B=B0er, where er denotes the unit vector along the radial direction of a point relative to the origin and B0=constant. A circular loop of radius a, carrying a current i, is placed with its plane parallel to the X-Y plane and the centre at 0, 0, a. Find the magnitude of the magnetic force acting on the loop.

JEE Main/Advance
A rectangular coil of 100 turns has length 5cm and width 4cm. It is placed with its plane parallel to a uniform magnetic field and a current of 2 A is sent through the coil. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field B, if the torque acting on the coil is 0.2 N m.
JEE Main/Advance

A 50 -turn circular coil of radius 2.0 cm carrying a current of 5.0 A is rotated in a magnetic field of strength 0.20 T.

(a) What is the maximum torque that acts on the coil?

(b) In a particular position of the coil, the torque acting on it is half of this maximum. What is the angle between the magnetic field and the plane of the coil?