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Two parallel plates of parallel plate capacitor are given charges Q and 3Q respectively. If electric field in the region between the plates is E0, then force of interaction between the plates, is

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Important Questions on Capacitance

A parallel plate capacitor has 1μF capacitance. One of its two plates is given +2μC charge and the other plate, +4 μC charge. The potential difference developed across the capacitor is:

A parallel plate capacitor has a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K between its plates that covers 1/3 of the area of its plates, as shown in the figure. The total capacitance of the capacitor is C while that of the portion with dielectric in between is C1 . When the capacitor is charged, the plate area covered by the dielectric gets charge Q1 and the rest of the area gets charge Q2 . The electric field in the dielectric is E1 and that in the other portion is E2 . Choose the correct option/options, ignoring edge effects.


A parallel plate capacitor is made of two circular plates separated by a distance of 5 mm and with a dielectric of dielectric constant 2.2 between them. When the electric field in the dielectric is 3 × 1 0 4  V/m , the charge density of the positive plate will be close to :


A parallel plate capacitor having cross-sectional area A and separation d has air in between the plates. Now an insulating slab of the same area but the thickness, d2, is inserted between the plates as shown in figure having dielectric constant K(=4). The ratio of new capacitance to its original capacitance will be,

A parallel plate capacitor having plates of area S and plate separation d , has capacitance C1 in air. When two dielectrics of different relative permittivities ( ε1=2  and ε2=4 ) are introduced between the two plates as shown in the figure, the capacitance becomes C2 . The ratio C2C1 is

A parallel plate capacitor has plates of area A separated by distance d between them. It is filled with a dielectric which has a dielectric constant that varies as Kx=K01+αx where x is the distance measured from one of the plates. If αd<<1, the total capacitance of the system is best given by the expression:

Two identical parallel plate capacitors of capacitance each are connected in series with a battery of emf, E as shown. If one of the capacitors is now filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant k, the amount of charge which will flow through the battery is (neglect internal resistance of the battery)

For changing the capacitance of a given parallel plate capacitor, a dielectric material of dielectric constant K is used, which has the same area as the plates of the capacitor. The thickness of the dielectric slab is 34d, where d is the separation between the plates of parallel plate capacitor. The new capacitance C' in terms of original capacitance C0 is given by the following relation :
A parallel plate capacitor with plates of area 1 m2 each, are at a separation of 0.1 m. If the electric field between the plates is 100 N C-1, the magnitude of charge on each plate is: (Takeε0=8.85×1012 C2 N-1 m-2)

In the figure is shown a system of four capacitors connected across a 10 V battery. The charge that will flow from switch S when it is closed is:

In a parallel plate capacitor, the capacity can be increased by decreasing

A medium having dielectric constant K>1 fills the space between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor. The plates have large area, and the distance between them is d. The capacitor is connected to a battery of voltage V. as shown in Figure (a). Now, both the plates are moved by a distance of d2 from their original positions, as shown in Figure (b).

In the process of going from the configuration depicted in Figure (a) to that in Figure (b), which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?


A parallel plate capacitor of two plates, each with area 90π cm2, is separated by 5 mm air-gap. The capacitor is initially connected to 100 V source. When an unknown liquid is filled between the plates so as to fill the air-gap, an additional charge of 95 nC is found to be flowing onto the capacitor from the 100 V source. The dielectric constant of the liquid is
(Assume 14πϵ0=9×109 N m2 C-2)

A capacitor is made of two square plates each of side a making a very small angle α between them, as shown in figure. The capacitance will be close to:
How will the voltage V between the two plates of a parallel plate capacitor depend on the distance d between the plates, if the charge on the capacitor remains the same?
If a slab of insulating material, 4×10-3 m thick is introduced between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor, the separation between the plates has to be increased by 3.5×10-3 m to restore the capacity to original value. The dielectric constant of the material will be
Eight drops of mercury of equal radii combine to form a big drop. The capacitance of a bigger drop as compared to each smaller drop is
A parallel plate air capacitor of capacitance C is connected to a cell of emf V and then disconnected from it. A dielectric slab of dielectric constant K, which can just fill the air gap of the capacitor, is now inserted in it. Which of the following is incorrect?
A parallel plate capacitor is of area 6 cm2 and a separation 3 mm. The gap is filled with three dielectric materials of equal thickness (see figure) with dielectric constant K1=10, K2=12 and K3=14. The dielectric constant of a material which when fully inserted in above capacitor, gives same capacitance would be:

In the circuit shown in the figure, there are two parallel plate capacitors each of capacitance C. The switch S1 is pressed first to fully charge the capacitor C1 and the released. The switch S2 is then pressed to charge the capacitor C2. After some time, S2 is released and then is S3 pressed. After some time,