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Write the equation of electric field due to a point charge. Also name the terms in it.

Important Questions on Electrostatics


An electric charge Q is uniformly distributed around a semicircle of radius a. Calculate the electric potential at the centre of this semicircle.

Derive an expression for electric potential due to a point charge. How do electric potential vary with distance r for a point charge?
A point charge of 3 μC is placed at the origin of X-Y coordinate system. Find out the potential difference between the points A5a, 0 and B-3a, 4a.

An electric dipole is placed as shown in the figure.

The electric potential (in 102 V) at point P due to the dipole is (ε0=permittivity of free space and 14πε0=K)


A point P is 40 m away from 20 μC point charge and 20 m from 4μC  point charge. The electric potential at point P is____V.


Consider a spherical shell of radius R with a total charge +Q uniformly spread on its surface (center of the shell lies at the origin x=0 ). Two point charge, +q and-q are brought, one after the other, from far away and placed at x=-a2 and x=+a2a<R, respectively. Magnitude of the work done in this process is

The electric field lines of a positive charge is as shown in figure:

Give the sign of potential difference Vp-Vq.

Electric potential at a point P due to a point charge of 5×10-9 C is 50 V. The distance of P from the point charge is:
(Assume, 14πε0=9×109 N m2 C-2)
Around a stationary charge of +5 μC, another charge -5 μC is taken once round a circle of radius 4 cm. The amount of work done in joule is

The electric potential at the centre of two concentric half rings of radii R1 and R2, having same linear charge density λ is


An infinite line of charge with uniform line charge density of 1 C m-1 is placed along the y-axis. A charge of 1C is placed on the x-axis at a distance of d=3 m from the origin. At what distance r from the origin on the x-axis, the total electric field is zero.N (Assume 0<r<d)
Two charges 8 μC each are placed at the comers A and B of an equilateral triangle of side 0.2 m in air. The electric potential at the third comer C is
Calculate electric potential at a point 1m distance from a point charge of 10-9 coulomb.
What is the electric potential at a distance of 9 cm from 3 nC ?
The maximum potential energy due to electrostatic repulsion between two hydrogen nucleus is nearly (radius of the nucleus =1.1 Fermi) 14πε0=9×109 N m2 C-2

Eight point charges of charge q each are placed on the eight corners of a cube of side a. A solid neutral metallic sphere of radius a3 is placed with its centre at the centre of the cube. As a result, charges are induced on the sphere, which form a certain pattern on its surface. The electric potential of the sphere is

A thin spherical conducting shell of radius R has a charge q. Another charge Q is placed at the centre of the shell. The electrostatic potential at a point P at a distance R/2 from the centre of the shell is:
What is the electric potential at a distance of 9 cm from 3 nC?

A wire having a uniform linear charge density λ is bent in the form of a ring of radius R. The point A as shown in the figure is in the plane of the ring but not at the center. Two elements of the ring of lengths a1 and a2 subtend very small same angle at a point A. They are at distances r1 and r2 from the point A, respectively r2>r1

The electric potential at a point in free space due to a charge Q coulomb is Q×1011 V. The electric field at that point is