-Nitro toluene on further nitration give
Important Questions on Hydrocarbons
Directions: Each of these questions contain an assertion followed by reason. Read them carefully and answer the question on the basis of the following options. You have to select the one that best describes the two statements.
Assertion: Benzene reacts with chlorine in the presence of bright light to form an insecticide or gammexane.
Reason: In the formation of gammexane, benzene undergoes an aromatic electrophilic substitution.
Directions: Each of these questions contain an assertion followed by reason. Read them carefully and answer the question on the basis of the following options. You have to select the one that best describes the two statements.
Assertion: Friedel-Craft's reaction is used to introduce an alkyl or acyl group in benzene nucleus.
Reason: Benzene is an appropriate solvent for the Fridel-Craft's alkylation of bromobenzene.
Directions: Each of these questions contains an Assertion followed by reason. Read them carefully and answer the question on the basis of following options. You have to select the one that best describes the two statements.
Assertion : Cis-But--ene and trans-but--ene when reacted with Cold , solution gives meso -dihydroxy butane and -dihydroxy butane respectively.
Reason: Cold solution adds two groups by syn addition.
The product in the following reaction sequence is: