Line Graph Representation of Data


Line Graph Representation of Data: Overview

This topic covers concepts, such as, Line Graph, Understanding Time - Distance Line Graphs, Line Graphs with Non-uniform Intervals & Plotting Single Line in a Line Graph etc.

Important Questions on Line Graph Representation of Data


Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.

Investments (in  lakh) of two business partners A and B.

Question Image

What was the percent rise in A's investment in 2004 from the previous year?


Study the data presented in the following graph to answer these questions.
Monthly Expenditure of a firm from January to July during the years 1997, 1998,1999
Question Image

Which of the following statements is correct ?


Directions: Study the graph carefully to answer the questions that follow
Question Image

If the amount of profit earned by Company A in the year 2007 was Rs 1.5 lakhs, what was its expenditure in that year?


The following line graph shows the Income and Expenditure of a company over the years. Study it carefully and answer the questions.
Question Image

In which of the following years is the ratio of income to expenditure the maximum for a company? 


Study the following line graph carefully --
Exports from Three Companies Over the Years (in Pesetas).

Question Image

What was the difference between the average exports in 1998 and the average exports of the three Companies in 1993 ?


Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below.

Ratio of import and export of a company in different years

Question Image

The import in 2007 is what percent more than the export in that year?


Study the data presented in the following graph to answer these questions.

Monthly Expenditure of a firm from January to July during the years1997, 1998, 1999.
Question Image

The expenditure in May 1997 was ___% less than that of the corresponding period in 1999.(Round off to the nearest integer).


Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that followed. The following line graph gives distance (in km) travelled by five different trucks in a day.

Question Image

What is the respective ratio of the distance travelled by truck A to the distance travelled by truck D?


DIRECTIONS : The question is based on the graph given below:
Per cent profit earned by six companies during 2013 and 2014

Profit = Income  Expenditure


Question Image

If the expenditures of Company E in the years 2013 and 2014 were the same, what was the ratio of the incomes of the company in the same years respectively?


Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions.
Investments (in lakh ₹) of two Business Partners X and Y over the years.

Question Image

What is the ratio between total investment of X in 2001, 2002 and 2003 together and the total investment of Y in these three years together respectively?


Study the following graph carefully and answer the question below it.

Number of students (males and females) passed out from various colleges in a year (Number in thousands)

Question Image

What is the difference between the total number of students passing out from college A and the total number of students passing out from college E?


Answer the question based on the following information:

Question Image

Which is the fastest train between HHH and NNN?


Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below.

Import by 3 companies in different years (incrore)

Question Image

What is the difference between the import of company A in 2003 and that of company B in 2005?(in crore)


The following line graph gives the percent profit earned by two companies x and y during the period 2006 to 2011.

Percentage profit earned by two companies x and y over the given years.

Question Image

If the income of two companies were equal in 2009, then what was the ratio of expenditure of company x to that of company y in 2009?


Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions.
Number of trains cancelled from three different states in five different years.
Question Image
What is the total number of trains cancelled from state B over all the months together?


Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions.
Question Image

What is the difference between the number of unsold units of the company in the year 2006 and the number of unsold units of the company in the year 2009?


Study the data presented in the following graph to answer these questions.
Question Image

What total expenditure has been made during the year 1997 and 1998 in the period covered in the graph ?


Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions.
Investments (in lakh ₹) of two Business Partners X and Y over the years.
Question Image

What was the percent rise in investment of Y in 2004 from 2001?


The following line graph shows the Income and Expenditure of a company over the years. Study it carefully and answer the questions.
Question Image

If the expenditure of a company year 2009 and the income of company A in the year 2005 equal and it is   56 crore each, what is the sum of the income of a company in 2009 and the expenditure of a company in  2005?


The marks obtained by  273 examinees are shown by the frequency polygon. Given that mean marks is 59.5. Study the frequency polygon and answer the questions given below.
Question Image

If 40 is the pass marks, percentage of students failed is __.