Class XI

Author:Embibe Experts

Practice Other Chapters from Class XI

This chapter talks about the living world. We will understand what living and diversity in the living world are. It explains the taxonomic categories, including species, family, etc. The taxonomical aids such as herbarium and museum are discussed.

This chapter focuses on the history of classification and taxonomy. We learn about Kingdom Monera, Fungi, Protista, Plantae, and Animalia here. It also describes the characteristics of viruses, viroids, and prions.

This chapter outlines the classification of plants. It explains the characteristics of Division Thallophyta, Bryophyta, and Pteridophyta. It also describes the subdivision Gymnospermae and Angiospermae along with the life cycles in plants.

This chapter helps us understand the broad classification of kingdom Animalia on the basis of fundamental features. It describes the important characteristics of chordates and non-chordates, along with their differences.

Gamma Question Bank for Medical Biology>Class XI>Morphology of Flowering Plants

This chapter provides knowledge of the morphology of flowering plants. The root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruits, and seeds are explained in detail. A list of some important edible fruits is also provided.

This chapter elucidates on the anatomy of flowering plants. It explains the different features of plant tissue system. It also describes the anatomy of root, stem, and leaf along with secondary growth in plants.

Gamma Question Bank for Medical Biology>Class XI>Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Morphology)

This unit from Gamma-Question-Bank-for-Medical-Biology has 19 chapters to practice on Class XI

This chapter provides us with an overview of the cell: the basic unit of life. It includes an ultrastructure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. We also explore the structure and functions of cell organelles here.

Gamma Question Bank for Medical Biology>Class XI>Chemical Constituents of Living Cells

This chapter focuses on biomolecules and chemical constituents of living cells. It describes the structure and functions of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. It also highlights the characteristics of nucleic acids and enzymes.

This chapter explores the different phases of the cell cycle. It briefs on cell division and its types. It discusses the important features, significance and various stages of mitosis and meiosis. We will also study the differences between mitosis and meiosis.

Gamma Question Bank for Medical Biology>Class XI>Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

This chapter throws light on photosynthesis in higher plants. The site of photosynthesis and pigments involved in it is elaborated here. It also sketches light reaction, photorespiration, and factors affecting photosynthesis in detail.

This chapter provides information about cellular respiration in plants. It also explains aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and a brief note on the amphibolic pathway and respiratory quotient is also given here.

This chapter focuses on plant growth and development. Here, we will study the various processes and stages of photoperiodism and vernalization in detail. It also provides an overview of plant growth regulators and their functions.

Gamma Question Bank for Medical Biology>Class XI>Breathing and Exchange of Gases

This chapter explains the process of respiration, its types, respiratory organs and the mechanism of breathing and regulation in humans. It also explains gaseous transport, regulation of respiration, and various disorders of the respiratory system.

This topic sheds light on body fluids and circulation. We will understand the composition of blood. It explains the different blood groups. The lymphatic system, cardiac cycle, and structure of the human heart are also discussed through diagrams.

Gamma Question Bank for Medical Biology>Class XI>Excretory Products and Their Elimination

This chapter sheds light on the human excretory system and the organs associated with it. It describes the functions of the human excretory system. It also highlights the physiology of urine formation and disorders of the excretory system.

This chapter provides knowledge of the human skeletal system. It highlights the types of movement that take place in the human body. It also elucidates the functions of the skeletal system and disorders related to it.

Gamma Question Bank for Medical Biology>Class XI>Neural Control and Coordination

This chapter introduces the candidates to the mechanism of neural control and coordination. They explore the human neural system, reflex action, and conduction of nerve impulses. It also explains the structure and function of human eyes and ears.

Gamma Question Bank for Medical Biology>Class XI>Chemical Coordination and Integration

This chapter features the study of human endocrine system, glands, hormones, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. We will also learn about the hormonal actions on the human body with the help of pictures.