Locomotion and Reproduction
Biology Solutions from Chapter -1 - Locomotion and Reproduction
This Chapter covers topics such as Locomotion in Protozoa, Asexual Reproduction in Protozoa, Introduction to Locomotion and Reproduction and, Sexual Reproduction in Protozoa
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Biology>Diversity in the Living World>Locomotion and Reproduction>Introduction to Locomotion and Reproduction
This topic covers concepts such as Reproduction, Locomotion in Animals and Movements in Invertebrates.
This topic covers concepts such as Asexual Reproduction in Protozoa, Pseudopodia, Cilia, Flagella, Flagellar Movement, Axoneme, Myonemes, Locomotion in Protozoa, Amoeboid Movements, Ciliary Movements and Protozoa.
This topic covers concepts such as Longitudinal Binary Fission, Transverse Binary Fission, Isogamy, Hologamy and Anisogamy.
This topic covers the concept of Conjugation in Protozoa.