Ecological Succession
Ecological Succession: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as Ecological Succession, Primary Succession, Secondary Succession, Xerarch Succession, and Hydrarch Succession.
Important Questions on Ecological Succession
Arrange the following communities in the order of their appearances:
Seral, pioneer, climax

What is correct about primary succession, initially –

Which of the following places are suitable sites for secondary succession?
(a) Cooled volcanic lava
(b) Sand dunes
(c) Abandoned farm lands
(d) Igneous rocks
(e) Burned or cut forests
(f) Flooded lands

During the process of ecological succession

Succession stages that occur on rock is called

During primary succession on rocks, pioneer species are

What is incorrect about primary succession?

In the hydrosere the reed-swamp stage is followed by

Choose the correct identification for the given stage of succession and is proceeded by which stage respectively?

Occur on newly cooled lava, Fater succession, Progress to mesic condition, Occurs on flooded land, Slower succession, changes in flora only |

Choose the correct sequence of transitional communities in Xerach succession.

Area where succession can take several thousands years to reach climax community is

Choose the correct change during ecological succession.