Molecular Basis of Inheritance


Biology Solutions from Chapter -1 - Molecular Basis of Inheritance

This chapter discusses the structure of polynucleotide and salient features of double-helical DNA. It explains the process of DNA replication and transcription. It also briefs on DNA fingerprinting and ethical issues of DNA fingerprinting.

Practice Other Topics from Molecular Basis of Inheritance

In this topic, we will learn about genes and their functions. It discusses the characteristics determined by genes. We will also learn the reasons for the hereditary of characteristics from parents to offsprings.

Biology>Genetics and Evolution>Molecular Basis of Inheritance>Search for Genetic Material and DNA as Genetic Material

This topic briefs on differents experiments which lead to the discovery of genetic material. It explains in detail Grift, Avery, Macleod and McCarty's and Hershey-Chase experiments.

This topic discusses the structure of a polynucleotide chain with the aid of a diagram. We will study the structure of pentose sugar and nitrogenous base. The double-helical model of DNA is also explained here in detail.

This topic briefs on the structure of DNA and the polynucleotide chain. It also explains the process of packaging of DNA helix.

This topic highlights the evidences to prove that life processes evolved around RNA. RNA acts as a genetic material as well as a catalyst.

In this topic, we will learn about DNA replication and the stages of replication. It explains in detail Meselson and Stahl's experiment. A brief note on transcription is also given here.

Transcription is the process of transferring genetic information from one strand of DNA into RNA. This topic describes the three regions in the DNA transcription unit. It briefs on the types of RNA in bacteria and the process of transcription in bacteria.

Genetic codes carry the genetic information required for the synthesis of protein. This topic describes the salient features of genetic code and illustrates the various codons for the amino acids.

The translation is the process of synthesis of protein from RNA. This topic describes the various stages involved in the process of translation.

This topic highlights the four levels, where gene expression in eukaryotes could be regulated. Further, it explains the elucidation of lac operon with its schematic representation.

This topic briefly explains the genetic code, its mutation, and the process of translation. Regulation of gene expression is explained here in detail. We will also study the structure of operons with the aid of diagrams.

DNA fingerprinting is the method used to recognize and analyse the variations present in individuals of a population at the DNA level. This topic describes the various stages involved in the process of DNA fingerprinting with schematic representation.

In this topic, we will study the mechanism of gene expression to illustrate its phenotypes. It briefs on transcription and translation. A brief note on genetic code is also given here.

The topic will focus on genetic recombination in prokaryotes. It also illustrates the method of DNA fingerprinting and its application. Moreover, ethical issues of DNA fingerprinting are demonstrated here.

Rice genome project is a well-mapped sequencing project. In this topic, we will focus on its aims and applications. It also discusses the salient features of this project.