Molecular Basis of Inheritance


Biology Solutions from Chapter -1 - Molecular Basis of Inheritance

This Chapter covers topics such as Translation, Replication, Transcription, DNA Fingerprinting, Genetic Code, Human Genome Project, Structure of Rna, DNA As Genetic Material, Operon Concept and, Experiments in Search of Genetic Material

Practice Other Topics from Molecular Basis of Inheritance

This topic covers concepts such as Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Genetic Material, Central Dogma of Molecular Biology, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Structure of DNA, Base Pair, Purines, Pyrimidines, Chargaff's Rules, Watson-Crick Model of DNA, Packaging of DNA Helix, Nucleosome, Histones, Euchromatin, Heterochromatin, Types of DNA, Nucleotides, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as RNA, Structure of RNA, Messenger RNA, Transfer RNA, and Ribosomal RNA.

Biology>Genetics and Evolution>Molecular Basis of Inheritance>Experiments in Search of Genetic Material

This topic covers concepts such as Evidence of DNA as Genetic Material, Griffith Experiment, Avery Experiment, Hershey and Chase Experiment, DNA, Chemical Composition of DNA, Properties of Genetic Material, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as DNA Replication, DNA Polymerase, Replication Fork, DNA Ligase, Origin of Replication, Leading and Lagging Strands, Okazaki Fragments, Meselson and Stahl's Experiment, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Transcription of DNA, Transcription Unit, Template Strand, Coding Strand, Post Transcriptional RNA Processing, Exons, Introns, Monocistronic Gene, Polycistronic Gene, Initiation of Transcription, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Genetic Code, Characteristics of Genetic Code, Wobble Hypothesis, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Machinery for Protein Synthesis, Activation of Amino Acids, Aminoacylation of tRNA, Initiation of Protein Synthesis, Elongation of Protein Synthesis, Peptidyl Transferase, Termination of Protein Synthesis, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Gene Expression, Regulation of Gene Expression, Lac Operon, Repressible Operon, Tryptophan Operon, Inducible Operon, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as DNA Fingerprinting, Variable Number of Tandem Repeats, Satellite DNA, Procedure for DNA Fingerprinting, Applications of DNA Fingerprinting, DNA Polymorphism, Blotting Techniques, DNA Probe Analysis, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Human Genome Project, Salient Features of Human Genome, Applications of HGP, Bacterial Artificial Chromosome, Yeast Artificial Chromosome, Expressed Sequence Tags, etc.