Body Fluids and Circulation


Biology Solutions from Chapter -1 - Body Fluids and Circulation

This Chapter covers topics such as Cardiac Cycle, Lymphatic System, Human Circulatory System, Disorders of Circulatory System, Blood: Composition, Grouping and Coagulation and, Circulatory System: Types and Functions

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Biology>Human Physiology>Body Fluids and Circulation>Circulatory System: Types and Functions

In this topic, we will learn about the circulatory pathways. It briefs on organs of the circulatory system and their functions. A brief note on the open and closed circulatory system is given here.

In this topic, we will understand the human circulatory system in detail. We will study the mechanism and various organs related to the system.

Biology>Human Physiology>Body Fluids and Circulation>Double Circulation and Regulation of Cardiac Activity

In this topic, we will learn the process of double circulation. It briefs on pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation with the aid of diagrams. A brief note on the regulation of cardiac activity is also given here.

In this topic, we will study the cardiac cycle in detail. It explains the detail of occurence of one cardiac cycle with its time taken.

From this topic, we will learn some regulation of cardiac activity such as the neural regulations and the hormonal regulations. It also helps us understand the functions of the autonomic nervous system or ANS.

This topic explores the composition of lymph or tissue fluid. We will learn about the lymphatic system. It also explains the formation and functions of lymph with the aid of diagrams.

Biology>Human Physiology>Body Fluids and Circulation>Blood: Composition, Grouping and Coagulation

This topic highlights the composition of blood and explains the phenomenon of coagulation. It discusses the formed elements in the blood, which are erythrocytes, leucocytes and thrombocytes. It also explains the blood groups and their types.

Biology>Human Physiology>Body Fluids and Circulation>Disorders of Circulatory System

This topic discusses some disorders of the circulatory system. The causes and effects of the disorders such as high blood pressure, angina, etc., are discussed in the topic.