Human Physiology

Author:Odisha Board
11th Odisha Board

Practice Other Chapters from Human Physiology

The chapter elaborates on the role of digestion in human physiology. Digestive enzymes and gastrointestinal hormones play a significant role in digestion. It also discusses types of digestion, functions of digestive organs, and digestive disorders.

This chapter explains the respiratory system of animals and humans. It also covers the mechanism of respiration and regulation in humans, respiratory volumes, disorders related to respiration, and occupational respiratory disorders.

This chapter describes the human circulatory system. It explains the composition of blood, lymph composition, function, working of the human heart, regulation of cardiac activity, and disorders related to the circulatory system.

Bureau's Higher Secondary Biology Volume-1>Human Physiology>Excretory Products and Their Elimination

The chapter describes the human excretory system, its structure, and its functions. It also explains modes of excretion, mechanism of urine formation, kidney functions, and disorders. Dialysis is used for curing failing kidneys.

This chapter provides knowledge of the human skeletal system. It highlights the types of movement that take place in the human body. It also elucidates the functions of the skeletal system and disorders related to it.

The chapter discusses the human nervous system that contains the heart and spinal cord. Peripheral and visceral nervous systems are two divisions in the nervous system. Our nervous system regulates our sense organs and sensory perceptions.

The chapter highlights the nervous system and the endocrine system that act as communication systems of our body. It explains the role of hormones as messengers and regulators. It also focuses on the causes of disorders.