Transpiration: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Stomatal Transpiration,Guttation,Factors Affecting Transpiration etc.
Important Questions on Transpiration
How much of water is used for photosynthesis?
Which of the following process in excess causes temporary wilting?
Water potential in the leaf tissue is positive during
Suppose an aquatic plant is placed in a test tube containing distilled water and the tube is stoppered. The tube is left outdoors for hours and the value of the water is then measured at regular intervals. Which of the following is the most probable result?
The process of loss of water from the aerial parts of the plant is called …A… which is accomplished mainly by …B…
Which is not the common factor for transpiration?
What is the function of subsidiary cells in stomata?
Why the relationship between photosynthesis and transpiration is a compromise?
The fluid liberated during the activity of guttation in plants is
Which of the following are the factors affecting transpiration?
What are the different types of transpiration?
Gaseous exchange in leaves takes place through
In a stomatal apparatus, cellulosic microfibrils are oriented
A. In dry atmosphere, the relative humidity is low, so the rate of transpiration increases
B. Slow breeze promotes the rate of transpiration
C. ABA promotes transpiration
D. A high salt concentration in soil water increases transpiration
The conditions under which transpiration would be most rapid are
When root pressure is high, some herbaceous plants lose small quantity of excess water in the form of drops from the margins or tips of leaves. This phenomenon is called