Physiology: Overview
Physiology covers chapters such as Drugs, Reproduction, Plant Nutrition, Transport in Plants, Animal Nutrition, Excretion in Human, Transport in Animals, Diseases and Immunity, Respiration and Gas Exchange and, Coordination and Response
Practice Other Chapters from Physiology
This chapter covers topics, such as, Types of Nutrition, Photosynthesis, Testing Leaves for Starch, Leaf Structure, Mineral Requirements, Limiting Factors, Uses of Glucose & The Importance of Photosynthesis etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Alimentary Canal, Absorption and Assimilation & Diet etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Transport in Plants, Water Uptake, Transpiration & Translocation etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Heart, Blood and Lymphatic Vessels, Blood & Transport in Animals etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Body Defences, The Immune System & Pathogens etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Respiration, Gas Exchange in Humans & Breathing Movement etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, The Human Excretory System, Nitrogenous Waste & Excretory Products etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Nervous Control in Humans, Sense Organs, Maintaining the Internal Environment & Hormones in Humans etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Tobacco Smoking, Medicinal Drugs, Misuse of Drugs & Drugs etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Asexual Reproduction, Comparing Sexual and Asexual Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction, Fertilisation and Development, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Human Reproductive Organs & The Menstrual Cycle etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Birth Control & Sexual Transmitted Infections etc.