Reproduction in Organisms


Biology Solutions from Chapter -1 - Reproduction in Organisms

This Chapter covers topics such as Asexual Reproduction, Modes of Reproduction and, Sexual Reproduction

Practice Other Topics from Reproduction in Organisms

This topic covers the concept of Modes of Reproduction.

This topic covers concepts such as Asexual Reproduction, Binary Fission, Transverse Binary Fission, Multiple Fission, Budding, External Budding, Budding in Yeast, Budding in Hydra, Internal Budding, Gemmule in Sponges, Sporulation, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Menstrual Cycle, Sexual Reproduction, Gametogenesis, Isogametes, Heterogametes, Sexuality in Organisms, Dioecious Organisms, Bisexual Organisms, Cell Division during Gamete Formation, etc.