Morphology of Flowering Plants


Biology Solutions from Chapter -1 - Morphology of Flowering Plants

This chapter describes the different characteristics of flowering plants. These include the parts of flowering plants and their functions. The parts and types of leaves, root, flowers, seeds and other parts are described in the morphological study.

Practice Other Topics from Morphology of Flowering Plants

In this topic, we will study the morphology of plants with the help of diagrams. It discusses the parts of a plant and its significant functions. Modification of these parts is also explained here in detail.

This topic describes root. It explains the different types of root found. It also describes about the different regions of root and the modification of root.

This topic describes stem. It describes the structure of stem and also its functions. The topic also describes how stem is modified to perform different functions.

This topic describes leaf. It describes the structure of leaf and also discusses about different types of leaves. It also describes how leaves are modified to perform different functions other than photosynthesis.

In this topic, we will learn the concept of inflorescence with a diagrammatic illustrations. It explains the process of inflorescence with its requirements and conditions in detail.

This topic describes flower and also explains why flower is said to be the reproductive unit in the angiosperms. It also describes different types of flowers. The parts of the flower are also described in detail.

This topic describes fruit. We will learn how fruits are developed. It further describes the structure of a fruit by showing the part of coconut and mango.

This topic describes seed. It describes the structure of a dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous seed. We will also learn how the seed plays a role in the birth of a new plant.

This topic describes some important families. It describes about Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Lilaceae along with their vegetative and floral characters.