Structural Organisation in Plants


Biology Solutions from Chapter -1 - Structural Organisation in Plants

This Chapter covers topics such as Meristematic Tissue, Inflorescences, Permanent Tissue, Vascular Bundles, Morphology of Flower, Plant Tissue System, Secondary Growth in Plants, Internal Structure of Leaf and, Morphology of Fruit

Practice Other Topics from Structural Organisation in Plants

This topic covers concepts such as Plant Tissues and Plant Anatomy.

This topic covers concepts such as Meristematic Tissues, Meristematic Tissues on the Basis of Origin, Primary Meristem, Secondary Meristem, Meristematic Tissues on the Basis of Position, Apical Meristem, Intercalary Meristem, Lateral Meristem, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Xylem Fibres, Cambium, Permanent Tissue, Simple Permanent Tissue, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma, Sclereids, Xylem, Tracheids, Xylem Parenchyma, Protoxylem, Metaxylem, Sieve Element, Companion Cells, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Spring Wood, Autumn Wood, Phellogen, Periderm, Secondary Growth in Plants, Secondary Growth in Dicot Root, Sapwood Formation, Heartwood Formation, Annual Rings, Secondary Growth, Phellem, Phelloderm, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Vascular Bundles, Open Vascular Bundles, Closed Vascular Bundles, Radial Vascular Bundle, Conjoint Vascular Bundles, Concentric Vascular Bundle, Exarch, Endarch, Mesarch, Collateral Vascular Bundles, etc.

This topic covers the concept of Stele.

This topic covers concepts such as Types of Roots, Modification of Roots, Fibrous Root System, Root System, Epiphytic Roots, Regions of Root, Root Cap, Meristematic Region, Region of Elongation, Maturation Region, Characteristics of Root, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Stolons, Stem, Nodes of a Stem, Internodes of a Stem, Aerial Stem Modification, Thorns, Phylloclade, Underground Stem Modification, Bulbs in Plants, Rhizomes, Corms, Stem Tubers, Suckers, Cladodes, Bulbils, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Leaf, Petiole, Leaf Base, Stipules, Lamina, Venation of Leaf Lamina, Parallel Venation, Simple Leaf, Compound Leaf, Pinnate Compound Leaf, Palmate Compound Leaf, Phyllotaxy, Alternate Phyllotaxy, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Cortex, Pericycle, Epiblema, Endodermis, Casparian Strips, Anatomy of Dicot Root, and Anatomy of Monocot Root.

This topic covers concepts such as Starch Sheath in Plants, Pith, Anatomy of Stem, Anatomy of Dicot Stem, Anatomy of Monocot Stem, Hypodermis, and Medullary Ray.

This topic covers concepts such as Mesophyll, Bundle Sheath Cells, Anatomy of Leaf, Dicot Leaf, and Monocot Leaf.

This topic covers concepts such as Spikelet inflorescence, Simple cyme, Polychasial cyme, Inflorescence, Racemose Inflorescence, Cymose Inflorescence, Spike Inflorescence, Spadix Inflorescence, Corymb Inflorescence, Umbel Inflorescence, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Cross Pollination, Flower, Unisexual Flowers, Carpels, Antipodals, Formation of Female Gametophyte, Orthotropous Ovule, Anatropous Ovule, Campylotropous Ovule, Self Pollination, Xenogamy, Agents of Pollination, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Types of Fruit, False Fruit, Pericarp, Mesocarp, Endocarp, Edible Parts of Fruits, Fruit, True Fruit, Simple Fruits, Fleshy Fruits, Dry Fruits, Dry Dehiscent Fruits, Schizocarpic Fruits, Aggregate Fruits, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Micropyle, Epicotyl, Hypocotyl, Plumule, Radicle, Embryonal Axis, Structure of a Dicot Seed, Structure of a Monocot Seed, Seed, Endospermous Seed, Non-endospermous Seed, Coleoptile, Coleorhiza, Hilum, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Seed Dispersal by Wind, Seed Dispersal by Animals, Dispersal of Seeds, Dispersal of Fruits, and Seed Dispersal by Explosion.

This topic covers concepts such as Life Cycle of Rice Plant and Experiments of Pisum sativum Plant.