Flower and Floral Parts
Flower and Floral Parts: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Ovary of a Flower, Gamopetalous Flower, Chambers in Plant ovary & Sessile Flowers etc.
Important Questions on Flower and Floral Parts
Assertion: Plants lack excretory organs.
Reason: Plant usually absorbs essential nutrients and lead a passive life.

The cavity inside the ovary is called locule.

In ovary, ovules are located in the

Draw a diagram showing chambers of ovary in plants.

What are the five types of placentation, Name them?

What is the example of superficial placentation?

Define superficial placentation.

Gynandrous condition means

How can we identify a flower with gynandrous adhesion.

Define gynandrous adhesion.

Circinotropous ovule is found in Polygonum.

Identify the type of ovule in the given diagram.

The stamens remain within the flower in exerted condition.

Name the plant that show tetradynamous stamen.

Give example of pedicellate flowers.

Give two examples of Sessile flowers.

Define sessile flowers.

Describe amphitropous ovule.

Which of the following is/are the essential whorls of a bisexual flower?