

biology: Overview

This subject covers units such as reproduction, physiology, human physiology, ecology and environment, genetics and evolution, biology in human welfare and, applied biology

Practice Other Chapters from biology


Reproduction covers chapters such as Human Reproduction and Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants

biology>Genetics and Evolution

Genetics and Evolution covers chapters such as Inheritance and Variation, Origin and Evolution of Life and, Gene: Its Nature, Expression and Regulation


Physiology covers chapters such as Plant Water Relation, Respiration and Circulation and, Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrition

biology>Human Physiology

Human Physiology covers chapters such as Circulation and Control and Co-ordination

biology>Biology in Human Welfare

Biology in Human Welfare covers chapters such as Human Health and Diseases and Enhancement of Food Production

biology>Applied Biology

Applied Biology contains chapter Biotechnology

biology>Ecology and Environment

ecology and environment covers chapters such as ecosystems and energy flow, biodiversity, conservation and environmental issues and, Organisms and Environment - II