

biology: Overview

This subject covers units such as biotechnology, physiology, genetics, ecology, diversity of living organisms and, cell biology p1

Practice Other Chapters from biology

biology>Diversity of Living Organisms

Diversity of Living Organisms contains chapter Classification

biology>Cell Biology P1

Cell Biology P1 covers chapters such as Cells, Enzymes, Movement in and out of Cells and, The Chemicals of Life( Biological Molecules)


Physiology covers chapters such as Drugs, Reproduction, Plant Nutrition, Transport in Plants, Animal Nutrition, Excretion in Human, Transport in Animals, Diseases and Immunity, Respiration and Gas Exchange and, Coordination and Response


Genetics covers chapters such as Inheritance and Variation and Natural Selection


Ecology covers chapters such as Human Influences on Ecosystem and Organisms and their Environment


Biotechnology contains chapter Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering