Carbohydrates: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Carbohydrates, Glucose, Biomolecules, Biochemistry, Cellulose, Glycogen, Starch, Classification of Carbohydrates, Sucrose, Fructose, Lactose, Monosaccharides, Structure of Sucrose, Maltose and, Oligosaccharides
Important Questions on Carbohydrates
The simplest carbohydrates which cannot be hydrolysed to smaller molecules are known as
Which of the following carbohydrate is a reducing sugar?
The Glycosidic linkages and Peptide linkages are present in:
A disaccharide X cannot be oxidised by bromine water. The acid hydrolysis of X leads to a laevorotatory solution. The disaccharide X is
Which reagents are used in conversion of aldohexose to ketohexose?
How many sugars (or sugar derivatives) are reducing in nature?
(i) -Glucopyranose
(ii) Fructose
(iii) Sucrose
(iv) Lactose
(v) Maltose
(vi) -Glucopyranose
(vii) Starch
(viii) ATP
(ix) DNA
(x) Methyl -glucopyranoside
The reagent used as Tollen's reagent for the detection of sucrose is _____.
The result obtained in Fehling's test for the detection of glucose is _____.
How will you differentiate sucrose from glucose?
What are ketoses and how are they classified?
Ketoses are monosaccharides containing an aldehyde group.