Drugs and Their Classifications
Drugs and Their Classifications: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as Drug, Medicines and Chemotherapy, Classification of Drugs, Classification of Drugs on the Basis of Pharmacological Effects, and Classification of Drugs on the Basis of Drug Action.
Important Questions on Drugs and Their Classifications
Match the following:
i | Narcotic drugs | a | Artificial sweetner |
ii. | Saponification | b | Heroin |
iii | Alitame | c | Hydrolysis of fats and oils |

The compound
is used as –

The most useful classification of drugs for medicinal chemists is _____.

Which of the following is not a broad spectrum antibiotics?

Drugs which interere with natural action of histamine by competing with histamine are called

Chemotherapy is

Which of the following is used to reduce pain without causing impairment of consciousness?

Choose the incorrect match

Which of the following is not a target molecule for drug function in body?

Which type of drug is paracetamol ?

An analgesic drug among the following is :

Which of the following is not a target molecule for drug function in body?

Which of the following is an antidiabetic drug?

The linkage is present in:

Which of the following compound is not antacid

Which of the following is not a classification of drugs?

An example of antifertility drug is

Dettol is the mixture of

Assertion:- Cimitidine is an antacid
Reason:- It increases the interaction of histamine with receptors present in stomach wall.

Assertion:- Aspirin is used to reduce the chance of heart attack.
Reason:- Aspirin increase the rate of prostaglandin synthesis.