Alkanes: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Alkanes, Corey-House Reaction, Preparation of Alkanes, Halogenation of Alkanes, Nomenclature of Alkanes, Physical Properties of Alkanes, Chemical Properties of Alkanes, Structure of Alkanes and, Uses of alkanes
Important Questions on Alkanes
Which of the following compounds does not dissolve in conc. even on warming?

When cyclohexane is poured on water, it floats, because –

contains X number of allylic hydrogen and contains Y number of allylic hydrogen.The number of structural isomers of are

Which of the given conformers of n-butane is most stable.

Which of the following represent the gauche conformer of n-butane.

The most stable conformer of n-butane is anti butane.

The Wurtz Reaction mechanism involves the formation of reactive free radical intermediate.

Is gauche form of butane more stable than eclipsed?

The ethane molecule gains thermal or kinetic energy sufficient to overcome the energy barrier through intramolecular collisions.

Of all the conformations of ethane, the _____ form has the least torsional strain and the eclipsed form, the maximum torsional strain.

Which of the following alkanes has the highest density.

Number of possible position isomers for trimethylcyclohexane is_____.

Which of the following is the chemical reaction of methane with steam?