Aromaticity: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Aromaticity, Classification of Compounds Based on Aromaticity, Aromatic Compounds, Huckel's Rule & Anti-aromatic Compound etc.
Important Questions on Aromaticity
Which one of the following statements is true:

Which of these cyclopropene systems is aromatic ?

Among the following compounds, the one which shows highest dipole moment is

The aromatic compound among the following is

What are quasi aromatic compounds? In what type of compounds quasi aromatically exists. Also, discuss the dipole moment of these compounds.
Find quasi aromatic compounds among the following given compounds.

Which cyclization(s) should occur with a decrease in pi-electron energy?

Among the following sets, the most stable ionic species are

Which of the following molecules is not aromatic?

Which of the following are aromatic compounds?

Identify heterocyclic aromatic species?

Among the following, which does not represent a correct pair of aromatic species?

Find the total number of reaction that produce aromatic compounds is

Which is a non-benzenoid aromatic species from the following?

Which of the following compounds is not an aromatic system?

Identify aromatic compounds among the following:

Among the following species, which is not aromatic?

Identify the aromatic substance(s) from the following compounds:

Identify the compound/s which is/are not aromatic in the following compounds.

Among the following compounds, which one is not an aromatic compound?

Which one is the least stable molecule?