Equilibrium in Chemical Processes
Equilibrium in Chemical Processes: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Chemical Equilibrium, Condition for Chemical Equilibrium, Characteristics of Chemical Equilibrium & Classification of Chemical Equilibrium Based on Extent etc.
Important Questions on Equilibrium in Chemical Processes
Predict the extent of a reaction, at has .

Explain the classification of chemical equilibrium based on the extent of completion.

Equilibrium constant for the reaction, is , then equilibrium constant for the reaction, will be _____.
(Enter your correct answer as )

Classify equilibrium on the basis of physical state of its components.

Identify the following reaction as homogeneous or heterogeneous equilibrium:

Explain the classification of chemical equilibrium on the basis of extent of completion.

Among the following, the correct statement about the chemical equilibrium is.

Which of the following statements is correct?

In terms of rate constants for forward and backward reactions (), equilibrium constant of a reaction is equal to _____.
Enter the correct answer as A, B or C.

Cotyledons are also called-

Which of the following is not a characteristic property of chemical equilibrium?

Which among the following is incorrect about equilibrium state?

The enthalpy and entropy change for the reaction are and , respectively. The temperature at which the reaction will be in equilibrium is

Nitric oxide reacts with and gives nitrosyl bromide as per the reaction given below.
When mole of and mole of are mixed in a closed container at a constant temperature, mole of is obtained at equilibrium. Calculate the equilibrium amount of and .

Which are correct for a reversible reaction?

Based upon the following hypothetical equilibria at :
Which is the most effective dehydrating agent at ? (Aqueous tension at is atm)

The equilibrium constant for the reaction,
at temperature is . The value of for the reaction :
at the same temperature is: