Classification of Crystalline Solids and their Properties
Classification of Crystalline Solids and their Properties: Overview
This topic covers concepts such as Types of Crystalline Solids on the Basis of Nature of Intermolecular Forces, Ionic Crystals, Properties of Ionic Crystals, Metallic Crystals, Properties of Metallic Crystals, Molecular Crystals, etc.
Important Questions on Classification of Crystalline Solids and their Properties
In diamond, the coordination number of carbon is

An example of a metallic crystalline solid is :

A solid is hard and brittle. It is an insulator in solid state, but conducts electricity in molten state. The solid is a

Which of the following is molecular solid?

Which of the following conditions favours the existence of a substance in the solid state?

Which type of molecular solids is supposed to be harder and why?

What is the hybridisation of carbon in graphite?

What type of solid is?

Which one of the following is an example of molecular solid or ?

Give two examples of substances which have same chemical composition but have different crystalline characters.

How many tetrahedral holes are occupied in diamond?

Which of the following solid has following characteristics ?
(i) Hard but malleable and ductile
(ii) Conductor in molten state.
(iii) Have high melting point

Crystals which are good conductor of electricity and heat are known as :

Graphite is an example of :-

State the properties of polar molecular solids.

Define polar molecular solids.

Based on the nature of intermolecular forces, classify the following solids: Benzene, silver.

Which of the following is a molecular solid? Diamond, Graphite, Ice, Quartz.

The number of carbon atoms per unit cell of diamond is

Which of the following solids is not an electrical conductor?