The Solid State
Chemistry Solutions from Chapter -1 - The Solid State
This chapter explains solids, their properties and classification, and intermolecular forces present inside them. It briefs on crystal lattice and packing efficiency of particles. We will also learn about stoichiometric defects and their types.
Practice Other Topics from The Solid State
This topic explains the general characteristics of solid state. It discusses the conditions which favours the existence of a substance in a solid state. Solids are classified into crystalline and amorphous solids.

With the aid of examples, this topic explains the characteristic features and properties of crystalline solids. It classifies crystalline solids and describes their structure and properties using diagrammatic representations.

The topic talks about crystal lattice and unit cells through examples. It teaches us the different arrangements in which a solid substance can exist.

This topic discusses the cubic systems and their types. It comprises the formulas used to calculate the edges of cubic systems. It also explains the related calculations of cubic systems.

This topic teaches the three steps to build the three-dimensional structure which shows closed packing in one dimension, two dimensions and three dimensions. It also discusses the formula of a compound and number of voids filled.

This topic discusses the defects found in solids via illustrative examples. It elaborates on the point and non-point defects and their types. It also explains stoichiometric defects, impurity defects and non-stoichiometric defects.

This topic sheds light on conductors, insulators and semiconductors. It describes the conduction of electricity in metals and semiconductors. It also discusses magnetic properties of solids.