Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry: Overview
Physical Chemistry covers chapters such as Structure of Atom, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Redox Reactions and, States of Matter
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This chapter covers topics, such as, Dalton's Atomic Theory, Properties of Matter and Their Measurement, Reactions in Solutions & Mole Concept and Molar Masses etc.

This chapter covers topics, such as, Atomic Spectra, Towards Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom, Dual Behaviour of Electromagnetic Radiation & Bohr's Model for the Hydrogen Atom etc.

This chapter covers topics, such as, The Gas Laws, Kinetic Energy and Molecular Speeds, Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases & Liquefaction of Gases etc.

This chapter covers topics, such as, Enthalpies for Different Types of Reactions, Enthalpy Change of a Reaction- Reaction Enthalpy, Measurement of Energy Changes: Calorimetry & First Law of Thermodynamics etc.

This chapter covers topics, such as, Factors Affecting Equilibria, Equilibrium in Chemical Processes, pH Scale & Ionization of Weak Acids and Weak Bases etc.

This chapter covers topics, such as, Balancing of Redox Reactions, Redox Reactions and Electrode Processes, Classical Idea of Redox Reactions & Redox Reactions in Terms of Electron Transfer etc.