Physical Chemistry


Physical Chemistry: Overview

Physical Chemistry covers chapters such as Structure of Atom, Equilibrium, Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure and, Chemical Thermodynamics

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Chemistry>Physical Chemistry>Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

This chapter covers the idea of development and the importance of chemistry by discussing the properties and measurement of matter. It also covers the different laws and theories of atoms and molecules.

Chemistry>Physical Chemistry>Structure of Atom

In this chapter, we will get to learn the structure of atoms with the discovery of the sub-atomic particles and the understanding of the different atomic models. It also discusses the quantum mechanical model of the atom for a better understanding.

Chemistry>Physical Chemistry>Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

This chapter discusses the classification of elements, and the modern periodic table with its nomenclature using atomic numbers. It covers electronic configurations and types of elements.

Chemistry>Physical Chemistry>Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

This chapter explains the chemical bonding with an understanding of the ionic bond, bond parameters and hybridisation using theories for valence shell and bond. It also covers the fundamentals of molecular bond theory and hydrogen bonding.

Chemistry>Physical Chemistry>States of Matter: Gases and Liquids

This chapter deals with the concept of intermolecular forces and thermal energy along with the differences between them. It also describes the gaseous state and related laws, equations and theories with the liquefaction of the gaseous state.

Chemistry>Physical Chemistry>Chemical Thermodynamics

This chapter covers topics like basic concepts of thermodynamics, energy change during a chemical reaction, zeroth law of thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics, specific heat capacity and molar heat capacity, and second law of thermodynamics.

In this chapter, we will learn the equilibrium in physical and chemical processes. We will understand the homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria and the applications of equilibrium constants, along with acids, bases and salts.