Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry: Overview
Physical Chemistry covers chapters such as Solutions, Structure of Atom, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Solid State, Equilibrium, Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Redox Reactions, Surface Chemistry and, Nuclear Chemistry
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This chapter covers topics, such as, Dalton’s Atomic Theory, Matter and its Nature, Empirical and Molecular Formulae & Percentage Composition of Compounds etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Bohr's Model for the Hydrogen Atom, Spectrum, Wave Nature of Electromagnetic Radiation & Sommerfeld's Atomic Model etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Gaseous Laws and Ideal Gas Equation, Kinetic Theory of Gases and Molecular Speeds, Liquefaction of Gases & Graham's Diffusion Law etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Enthalpies for Different Types of Reactions, Hess's Law of Constant Heat Summation, First Law of Thermodynamics & Third Law of Thermodynamics etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Factors Affecting Equilibria, Chemical Equilibrium and its Characteristics, pH Scale & Calculation of pH of Various Solutions etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Balancing of Redox Reactions, Redox Reactions and Electrode Processes, Volumetric Analysis, Types of Redox Reactions, Oxidation Number, Classical Idea of Redox Reactions & Equivalent Concept etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Classification and Properties of Solids, Imperfection in Solids, Some Other Terms Related to Crystal Lattice and Unit Cells & Structure of Ionic Compounds etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Types of Solutions, Vapour Pressure of Liquid Solutions, Relative Lowering of Vapour Pressure & Raoult's Law etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Kohlrausch's Law and its Application, Conductance in Electrolytic Solutions, Thermodynamics of Cell & Calculation of Absolute Ionic Mobility etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Factors Influencing Rate of Reaction, Kinetics of Chemical Reactions, Mechanism of a Chemical Reaction & Arrhenius Collision Theory etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Radioactivity, Theory of Radioactive Disintegration, Applications of Radioactivity, Fundamental and Non-Fundamental Sub-Atomic Particles, Nuclear Forces, Nuclear Reactions & Radioactive Emissions etc.
This chapter covers topics, such as, Emulsions, Purification of Colloidal Solutions, Classification of Colloids & Importance of Surface Chemistry etc.