

Grammar: Overview

Grammar covers chapters such as Voices, Narration, Fill in the Blanks, Basics of Grammar and, Sentence Formation and Correction

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english>Grammar>Basics of Grammar

This chapter covers topics, such as Preposition, Sentences Identification and Types, Participles, Pronoun, Modals and Auxiliaries, Adverb, Transformation of Sentences, Verb, Infinitives, Determiners, Clauses, Articles, Noun, Gerunds, etc.

english>Grammar>Fill in the Blanks

This chapter covers topics, such as Double Fillers and Single Fillers.


This chapter covers the topic of Direct and Indirect Speech.

This chapter covers the topic of Active and Passive Voice.

english>Grammar>Sentence Formation and Correction

This chapter covers topics, such as Sentence Improvement and Spotting Errors.