Transport: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Travel, Transport, Metro Train, Different Modes of Transport, Underground Tunnel, Travel in Airplane, Need for Transport, Travel within the Locality and, Horse as Means of Transport in Mountains
Important Questions on Transport
Car is an example of air transport.

We use animals for travel. How should be our attitude towards animals?

How does a paper boat that floats on water look like?

What would happen if we had no means of transport?

Mention the means of travel from your house that you would take for reaching your school. You can mention more than one means of travel.

Who flies an aeroplane? It is a five letter word and the name starts with the letter "P".

Write the names of two means of transport that are used in:
Deserts _____, _____.

What are the benefits of the metro train?

Metro train is slower than normal train.

Identify the name of the vehicle given below:

Identify the vehicle given below and write its name:

How would you choose to go from your house to the places written below? Write across the arrows.

Which is a three-wheels vehicle driven by humans?

Bicycle is used to travel places beyond our locality.

Which of the following vehicle is not used to travel beyond our locality.

Which of the following vehicles are used to travel beyond our locality?

Which vehicles can be used to travel beyond our locality?

Which of the following vehicle is used by us to travel a nearby distance?