Occupation: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Teacher, Carpenter, Mechanic, Occupation, Barber, Traffic Police, Fruit Seller, Vegetable Seller, Shoemaker, Different Occupations, Work outside Home, Working and Leisure Time and, Family Members and Their Occupations
Important Questions on Occupation
Make a list of different community helpers you come across on a daily basis.

Name the occupation by observing the image given below.

Give the name to a person who sells fruits and vegetables. (Gardener/Greengrocer)

Write a few words about the women market.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Write few lines.

Write about the fishes available in West Bengal.

The occupation of Dheeraj is:
It is a kind of hard physical job.

A person who stitches clothes is a _____.

What is the main occupation in villages?

Name the profession for the given picture:

Name the profession for the given picture:

Name the profession for the given picture: